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Premiered: 1st June 2017

Concept, choreography and perfromance: Borna Babić and Louis Thuriot

Awards: Scapino Ballet Production Award - The International Competition for Choreographers Hannover 2018 | Kunsthumaniora Brussel Production Award - The Rotterdam International Duet Choreography Competition (RIDCC) 2018 | 1st prize - Roosendaal Danst! 2017

The choreography points out the blindness towards each other in our society. Each living being has their own individual story to tell. Everybody is unique and has a desire to communicate with others. But the modern perception of time causing stress and the new technology makes those stories disappear in the ignorance of our society. This piece shows you what happens when we would open our eyes for a moment to the living others around us. 

Peeping Eye: About
Peeping Eye: Video
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